Friday 8 January 2010


I haven't been on this since may, of last year haha.

where to begin?

so i guess alot has changed since i was last on (:
but in a good way.

I got rid of James. finally.
I turned 18. finally.
I left school. finally.
I got into Glasgow School of Art. finally.
I left Glasgow School of Art (it was crap, i didnt like it :\)

all of these things make me smile like this :D

so Cara challenged me to write every single day.
its never going to happen tbh. i will forget lol.

but i will try (:

Friday 15 May 2009

Muck Up Day

It was so much fun :]
Got pissed and fell over haha :]
I cut my hand :/
It was well worth it tho
Took me 4 washes to get all the shit out of my hair
There was; flour, eggs, custard, tomatoes, tomato sauce, brown sauce, cooking oil and god knows what else :\
Craig Mullen had cat food and fish juice :\

Work pure dragged tonite, it was so quite

Miley Cyrus's song,
The 7 Things I Hate About You
reminds me of a certain someone right now
Stop pressuring me into it and making me feel guilty about what happened.
It wont work
You might change I don't know, I will believe it when I see it.
But right now just let me go out and have fun.

Monday 4 May 2009


...Happy :]

Green Day are playing on my 18th birthday :]
A got tickets
It's so awesome.
19th October.
Cn't Waitttttt :]

In other news, I burnt my thumb lol and am comin down with a pure bad cold :\ prolly swine flu lololol :]



I havnt done this in a while lol
I've been working too much, when a got the job at the chippy they said a would be doing 10 hours max a week, this week a done 30, gutted.

Funniest conversation I have had in a while at work.

Remo; "Why arn't you going to Sandy Lane when you are in Barbados?"
[Sandy Lane is the most exclusive hotel in the Carribean btw liek £10,000 a week or something liek tht]

Me; "Well we would go there but tbh we don't really want to have to sell the house to go on holiday "

Segio; "But you have a big fancy house with glass windows"

Had to be there

Anyways lol we have liek 6 days of school left. Ever :]
I'm goin to miss it.
I hope I hope I get into Glasgow Art School, I had my interview it was scary lol.

Monday 20 April 2009

The Easter Holidays

...have been shitttt.
I have only had 3 days off work out of a whole 2 weeks.
Those three days I did get off, I had to fuckin study :\


I'm actually lookin forward to goin back to school, a never thought I would say that haha.
Goin to watch Twilight with Jenna at hers 3rd & 4th with doritos :]
We only have 3 weeks left of school. Ever.
Its quite scary tbh.

Since christmas I have been having this battle with my weight, so far I have lost 12 pounds, but no matter how much I eat healthy or excerise it wont go down any further.
Annnnddddd it doesnt even look like I have lost any in the first place :\
Oh well....

Thursday 16 April 2009


I'm painting a picture of Hayley Williams. Am kinda bored atm cuz its sunny outside(for once lol) a wanna go outside lol but I have work at 5 so there is no point :\

Tuesday 14 April 2009


I wish I didn't have to work so much. So a could go out and about with friends :]
I miss them days where we used to all sit in the park in kilbarchan and stuff :\

I should really phone James but a can't be bothered tbh :\

Going to Edinburgh tomorrow with my mum to see the Turner Exibition, hopefully it will be good. Then hopefully going to see 17 again :]

I gots an interview for Painting and Printmaking at Glasgow School of Art and am dead nervous about it :\

Oh gna go watch Twilight :] x